I hate my self for hurting him. As much as there is hate there is also the need to relief my self. Torn between two choices, i ended up with the selfish(i think) decision i ever made. I pray, wish and hope that this will turn out for the best especially for him.
Weekend recap:
Friday night/ Sat dawn : BU to Subang to TTDI. With a partial of K.A.M.I... I laughed yang laughed that night/dawn!Mub singgah sekejap on the way to the office (at 2 am kut)! =)
Sat: Went to Saufi's wedding. Funny sebenarnya considering how we knew each other in the first place. But it's all good now, i wish you all the happiness in the world(and akhirat too)-for both of you and your wife. Frustrated sebenarnya, i was bringing my bestie, miss P. I was trying to be a match maker la konon nya. Tapi sorang daripada calon-calonnya tak datang. Jadi pulang dengan separa hampa. Lepas tu, we went to Sri Petaling!!! To a thrift shop!!!!!! Gila man. I did terbeli-belah. 18 dresses+skirts+jackets between us, 5 people. Oh! the outing consist of pey, bin, neng, madue and i. Lupa sekejap segala permasalaan. While waiting for pey and madue solat in a nearby Masjid, i just noticed that my hauls are all black and beige. Wow! My issues are contemplating with my senses. Oohh.. my hauls are a mix of skirts, jackets, pinnafore and cardi!I love what i bought!!! On the way back, we stopped by resipi rahsia to buy a cake. It's my kakak's birthday. Nak jadi cerita, madue nak pergi ATM. Just in front of the bank, there's this jinjang shop called madonna. AND I did TERBELI a mary jane yang kitschy habis with a hint of jinjang-ness. ka-chinggggg!
Sun: Help my mom cook for lunch. One of the menu is kerabu mangga. While i was 'sagat-ing' the mangga, i did 'sagat' my own hands.So banyak gila luka, and when everything's mixed up, i squash a lime into the mixtur of mangga, dried shrimp, gula and what not. PEDIH GILA ok. forgot about my hand yg luka sini sana. I totally forgot about what idz told semalam. So dah lepas masak, was about to take a shower and i got a call from artist. Zakiah namanya. PR dia manisah. Bodyguard dia Idzara.ahahahaha. i'm late basically.okay. moving on. I went to Sg wang a lil bit too late. Coz the guys have all been spruced up and smarten up. Tapi manisah takde beza pun. Pey! Your glasses are cool. =). Kau boleh tidur lena sekarang. Or, are you thinking about the heels? hehehe. Oh! and i terbeli heels today. "Beli kaler ni lah, masuk dengan color skin kau!". That was quoted from Idzara. Wow. aku speechless terus pegi kounter bayar.
I scrolled up and realized that this is not a recap. More like a back-to-back description! haha. So yeah my bank acc suffered a bit( A LOTT!!!) but i laughed like i did back when we're all together. mushy gila bunyinya. But i did had a good time.
Terima kasih semua.