this ism. that ism.

Jika Bill Gates daddy angkatku

Sunday, August 23, 2009

...tapi he's a jew. ok bye.

August has been unkind to me.

i spent more than 1k!!!!! Gila ok. Most of it was due to my convo pulak tu..

library fine- 318.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
robe- 150.
on-stage pix-55
robe late-return fine-55
studio pictures- 425!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There're unnecessary spenditure(perkataan skema) as well. That's why leads to 1K tu. Haih....
I guess betul org ckp, when you make more, you tend to spend more. oh! i lost my harun salim bachik watch as well.

Bored & Broke.

If i were to have a band, i would have named it that way. When we're famous, people would call us B& the BSB...ok i'm starting to crap.


p/s: Being apart is unhealthy. Looking forward for tomorrow. Where i'll have a dose of my happiness!!! (

p/p/s: yay!!! around 10 more mins, he'll call! tak sabar.bye!


slightly delusional said...

shasha! same la i pn spend 1k sebab convo :( saving bulan ni tak cool..isk isk. kte same2 kene tahan sebab buku library. damn!