So tomorrow today is the first day of Ramadhan. Kinda sad & empty a bit..for almost 3/4 years, i've spent it with Bin & Pey..I know! I know! im at home, loadsa food, got mummy daddy taaaaaapi, still the emptiness tu ada terasa a bit.

*during Hollywood Rhapsody*
-bin, me, pey-
-bin, me, pey-
most of the times sahur in Murni(hostel-apartment bukan murni ss2) were always rushed.
pey :"Shit shit..lagi lima minit..bangun sa bangun!! kejut mubin"
It was always pey yg akan kejut kitorang.hehe.thank you mak!;p We would rush to the 'dapur' & sumbat apa yg ada depan mata,tak smpai 5 mins habis!Terror gila.Sometimes, we didn't even sleep the whole night,doing just nothing-yg-berfaedah.hehe.Owh!We did yoga once!
bin - "blakang aku sakit lah"
me - "Weh! Jom Yoga!"
Hence, our yoga journey begins.Googled yoga techniques/practice, click on images, choose 1 you like. TAPI be careful ok? Our yoga moments were full of laughter and the best of all was our outfit, totally comfy and berangin(kaftan and nightie).Whenever there's a slightly difficult pose or weird twisted body pose, we would laugh & laugh. It's almost 1 hour jugak lah nk habiskan all the steps, but then we missed quite a few like breathing calmly, it's hard when you're laughing you know?! All in all, i think our tummy are taut-er since we use the abs muscle a lot credits to laughing. Hurm..maybe we should start a laughing yoga class!!! Oh.wait.dah ada.shoot.
okayyy.Another time, we would rush(At that time, i think that Pey was possesed by the spirit of Louise Hamilton(F1 driver,duh!)) to McD drive thru just to have the breakfast set for sahur. From the top, proper je, with tudung kemas(ye ke). From the bottom, seluar tidur. Hoyeh! We're the trendsetters. Lepas tu, ramai gila junior keluar sahur wearing their pyjama bottom.Nih, aku tipu.
Kesimpulannya, in a few hours, i will have my sahur & i miss my girlfriends.
Tiada kena mengena tapi my teeth/gum is killing me. It's swollen and it's giving the "nyut!nyut!" feeling.sorry, i just can't remember what berdenyut is in English. I wanna call Kekasih, tapi it's painful to just say hello. I've slept for a while just now, after Terawih prayers(will story later.hehe) because of the headache caused by this teeth/gum disease. Matilah haku.
pey :"Shit shit..lagi lima minit..bangun sa bangun!! kejut mubin"
It was always pey yg akan kejut kitorang.hehe.thank you mak!;p We would rush to the 'dapur' & sumbat apa yg ada depan mata,tak smpai 5 mins habis!Terror gila.Sometimes, we didn't even sleep the whole night,doing just nothing-yg-berfaedah.hehe.Owh!We did yoga once!
bin - "blakang aku sakit lah"
me - "Weh! Jom Yoga!"
Hence, our yoga journey begins.Googled yoga techniques/practice, click on images, choose 1 you like. TAPI be careful ok? Our yoga moments were full of laughter and the best of all was our outfit, totally comfy and berangin(kaftan and nightie).Whenever there's a slightly difficult pose or weird twisted body pose, we would laugh & laugh. It's almost 1 hour jugak lah nk habiskan all the steps, but then we missed quite a few like breathing calmly, it's hard when you're laughing you know?! All in all, i think our tummy are taut-er since we use the abs muscle a lot credits to laughing. Hurm..maybe we should start a laughing yoga class!!! Oh.wait.dah ada.shoot.
okayyy.Another time, we would rush(At that time, i think that Pey was possesed by the spirit of Louise Hamilton(F1 driver,duh!)) to McD drive thru just to have the breakfast set for sahur. From the top, proper je, with tudung kemas(ye ke). From the bottom, seluar tidur. Hoyeh! We're the trendsetters. Lepas tu, ramai gila junior keluar sahur wearing their pyjama bottom.Nih, aku tipu.
Kesimpulannya, in a few hours, i will have my sahur & i miss my girlfriends.
Tiada kena mengena tapi my teeth/gum is killing me. It's swollen and it's giving the "nyut!nyut!" feeling.sorry, i just can't remember what berdenyut is in English. I wanna call Kekasih, tapi it's painful to just say hello. I've slept for a while just now, after Terawih prayers(will story later.hehe) because of the headache caused by this teeth/gum disease. Matilah haku.
"Oh Tuhan! Sesungguhnya, aku belum bersedia untuk mati. Berilah aku kesempatan untuk bertaubat. Amin"
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan everyone!!
Minta maaf ya kawan-kawan.
Yang tak kawan pun minta maaf jugak,
mana tahu tak sempat nak minta maaf!
Minta maaf ya kawan-kawan.
Yang tak kawan pun minta maaf jugak,
mana tahu tak sempat nak minta maaf!
shit,aku cam terharu..tis time pose tak xleh nk pegi bazaar together...i miss u gurls...huh the yoga thingy,sampai sudah aku takle bwt,DiGi ade kelas yoga,tp aku xmasuk pun..too keras!!haha
skrg time2 sahur kedengaran suara mamaku, bukan lagi pey sebagai mak pd dahulu kala...haishh...all these time kite2 je kan,mcm2 jadi...huhuhu
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