this ism. that ism.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Potentially the biggest mistake i've made.  I might die with regret over it. But i might live happily.One way or another. One risk or chances. One hope or one despair. All comes to down to decision(s).

i've set my foot down and stand my ground. Now i pray that the ground won't crumble beneath me instead of steadying me.

I can't be transparent as i don't have the heart to humiliate someone but i hate the fact that i have to be vague and can't pour my heart out when it's painfully bursting with feelings and expressions and speak my mind which is now, full to the brim.

Have you set down a path and wondered whether you should turn back and retreat? Not quite regret? Just wishing you did something differently.hurm...It kinda ring the same bells, ye tak?

I believe in the saying of "it's now or never". I must admit that there are times where i should do that, but there are also the times when courage sneaks up and suddenly im that. now or never. You wouldn't wanna live with "What ifs?" the whole of your life would you?