this ism. that ism.

See ya, when i see ya!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I've created a(another) sanctuary for me to rant and vent.....

Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
boleh saya menumpang (i tak ingat),
Kalau ada umur panjang,
boleh kita berjumpa lagi(or selalu??)

Bye loves!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009



stomach churn

kenapa i mesti nervous bila ada presentation????

ohhhh..why...sakit perut tau tak..endless berry-ing session..hopefully kurus! muahahaha..

ok moving on.

im still scared.

shittings ah.

ok bye.wanna go ring up le boyf(konon cool ala french la ni)...

He's sweet

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"My heart... It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it doesn't belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange — no gifts, no goods, no demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me, too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine.

Yvaine, Stardust 07"

I don't deserve the words up there but Mr. S  insists that they do,that i deserve them =)

So here's to you,
My truest beau,
A mere thank you just wouldn't do,
unconditional love that's whole and true,
is what i present to you.

Ms. S


Saturday, September 5, 2009

...and happiness!

My family and i (and also a future family member.heh =) will break fast together today!



Monday, August 31, 2009

What does it mean to you?

To me, this year it's work work and more work!


** i should be more patriotic than this. But working when the rest of Malaysians is having the day off is putting me off. I shall attempt to write later.

see ya~

telephone berbunyi

Monday, August 24, 2009

ring ring ring..(but i guess at present orang dah tak pakai ring ring..sekarang orang pakai "kiss me thru the phoneeeeg!! - cuba you guys listen carefully, at the end of that word, macam ada huruf g so the they say it like 'phoeng'.ok.lupakan)...

while waiting for my phone to "ring"...i'm blog hopping around!! i miss a lot of people that i met online. nak list mmg tak dapat.ramai!


nanti sambung......

Jika Bill Gates daddy angkatku

Sunday, August 23, 2009

...tapi he's a jew. ok bye.

August has been unkind to me.

i spent more than 1k!!!!! Gila ok. Most of it was due to my convo pulak tu..

library fine- 318.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
robe- 150.
on-stage pix-55
robe late-return fine-55
studio pictures- 425!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There're unnecessary spenditure(perkataan skema) as well. That's why leads to 1K tu. Haih....
I guess betul org ckp, when you make more, you tend to spend more. oh! i lost my harun salim bachik watch as well.

Bored & Broke.

If i were to have a band, i would have named it that way. When we're famous, people would call us B& the BSB...ok i'm starting to crap.


p/s: Being apart is unhealthy. Looking forward for tomorrow. Where i'll have a dose of my happiness!!! (

p/p/s: yay!!! around 10 more mins, he'll call! tak sabar.bye!

Kudos to Mr. S

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You aren't mad.
You didn't pushed me.
You didn't even question me.
You simply accept the facts.

Those are a few out of a gazillion reasons that made me love you even more last night and you definitely deserved to be engulfed in an ocean full of it. 

So here it is,for the world to acknowledge.
I love you, always.


Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm at the office.
2 pc on at the same time, side by side.
Muddling gila okay!
Tadi i keyed in my LAN ID instead of my gmail ID.

oh. semalam malam, i had a conversation with A.
I sincerely hoped that he's happy and well...

ooohh..had a long conversation with S.
I think i'm gonna die young because nowadays, my heart constantly stopped.
Stopped in a good way lah tapi temperature mcm sekejap sejuk and panas.
heh ;p

kbye. nak pegi sambung IM with S ;p buat kerja!

for her

Sunday, May 24, 2009

to the woman who shaped me to be who i am today.

i love you with all my heart. my soul. my every being.
A mere 'thank you' just don't cover my gratitude of having you in life.

Oh Allah, The Great and Most Merciful,
please let her be forever swathed in your love and forgiveness.

I love you mama.

i suka teleconf

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

bangun tidur dah ada teleconference. Atas katil. Best Gila.

Dengan diorang lah saya berteleconF. heh. saya sgt suka.

Digi ku bersama mu. *tetiba*


Green Spartans won the 1st round of EPL Challenge. Happy weh. =)

On a 2nd note, penat.

Byknya responsiblities thrusted to me. BANYAK GILA ok.Come on Shasha! Boleh buat punya!! You've got 1 year to prove yourself! Deep down im scared that people would look down on it. Self esteem punya issue. Haih..

I told S about it. He told me something. Dah elok2 semangat, than balik office balik tgk inbox terus deflated. Macam belon kena cucuk dengan jarum.

Taaapi, we finally tried Godiva. Sumpah mahal. Biasa je. Tak lah mcm "Homaigod. I've died and gone to heaven" punya sedap. Biasa je.

Arigato S.=)

oh. Lupa. Meet my Happy feet! 


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dinner as usual with S.
It has come to be a routine lately...

I like to talk. I mean i'm a talker in a conversation. But tonight i'm speechless most of the time. Loads of information to process. Loads of things that shocked me. Partly because i didn't see it coming from him. It's not bad or anything but nonetheless, shocking.

It's a HUGE impact. I was surprised when he said that he wants me to know beforehand so that if anything happens than i wouldn't be jilted.I spaced out a couple of times that he repeatedly ask me whether i am ok or not. Funny. It should be ME saying those lines. 

I never expected that person is THAT person. I never expected the HUGE impact of that problem. God!His world is so different from mine. chup. stop! see, my mind is wandering off into the future again. The future that might or might not exist.

Yeah. ok. Go with the flow. But why does he wants me to know...why me?

A question for myself to ponder:
Am i ready to be in in his 'world'? Or am i to chicken to be a friend.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

K called and surprises me with so many stories today..

I'm so happy for her!!!!=) She has FINALLY found her perfect happy beginnings!=) I don't like to say ending because it doesn't make sense right? Happy endings?! It should be happy beginnings as you are beginning a new phase of life.

So yeah. I'm a bridesmaid. This is the 2nd time.

Tiba-tiba aku teringat movie 27 dresses. Aku takut.


p/s: i miss K too!


S called for the first time.


Z is a scaredy cat. hehe. sorry lah. Aku nak takutkan kau. Tapi on 2nd thought kalau aku takutkan kau, aku pun akan tertakut sekali.heh.

Welcome to the Penakut Anonymous wahai Z.

Terima kasih juga sebab update knowledge aku tentang Sungkai. Dan jangan sedih kita semua tak dapat bersuka ria di funfair.

p/s: I miss bin and pey. tiba-tiba tau.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Eh! tak tidur lagi?"

Suddenly i look forward to the weekends.

definitely maybe

I just finished that movie.
It's sad in a way like you might have met many people that you thought you love but it might never work out but you love them anyway. It's funny in a way that the person that you didn't have a thing might be 'the one'. Owh. It's very 'talk-ish'. i forwarded most of the part.heh.

word of the day: Kutat.

today is a work day for me. Although the whole office was on holiday.
A good thing i've caught up with Z and spend the dinner time together =).
The meal was on EM. so hurrah!!!

Weekends dah start. Yet i feel so drained.

Monsters and Dinosaurs

Monday, May 4, 2009

Is it Dinosaurs or Dinosaurus???

Gila bosan. RM12 for adults and RM 8 for kids. Yeah! We were thrilled!!And that was before we went in of course.

I went to P's officemate wedding before that. Seeing the bride made me want to get married for the sake of being pretty in the wedding dress.

I'm depressed.

However, esok kerja. i suka pergi ke kerja.



Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm depressive.
I don't know how to let go.
So i went for a therapy. Retail that is.
Gila lah.
Bye bye 1K.

SO how did you spend your Labour Day?

My first ever public holiday since i started working. Best Gila.
But up until today, weird things keep on happening.

1. I was pau-ed. Like money pau not pau Ahmad sedap tu.
2. I was forced to enter a lift by an indian 'uncle'. Whom, when i refused to enter, started shouting at me in tamil. scary gila.
3. Blackout. I was alone. I was in towel. My batt was low. Did i mention that i fear the dark?
Tapi sempat tgk FT perform. heh.=).
4. As it was friggin dark, i had to get out of the house. Gila takut. I kept imagining things creeping to me. bodoh.So i close my eyes while finding my way to the dining table. Aha. Jumpa baju! I sarung my dad's baju melayu yg super besar and cover my hair with my towel to lepak outside the house.
5. M kept me company. Thanks weh!Just when i thought that it was never gonna get any better.My parents came back from Kenduri, and TNB pun datang. 5 sec after that my phone mati. Talking  about timing!!

So there. My weird days.

And i think i'm not missing him as much as i thought i would. Congratulations!

Posts are boring without pictures. So i'm going to ransack my pc for them.

ok. Got it!

My 1,328932,9023 picture of KLCC. I don't know why but i like taking pictures of KLCC when i wanna go home from the office. Somehow, it calms me down...Maybe i am weird afterall.

a dose of something called friendship

Monday, April 20, 2009

I hate my self for hurting him. As much as there is hate there is also the need to relief my self. Torn between two choices, i ended up with the selfish(i think) decision i ever made. I pray, wish and hope that this will turn out for the best especially for him. 

Weekend recap:

Friday night/ Sat dawn : BU to Subang to TTDI. With a partial of K.A.M.I... I laughed yang laughed that night/dawn!Mub singgah sekejap on the way to the office (at 2 am kut)! =)

Sat: Went to Saufi's wedding. Funny sebenarnya considering how we knew each other in the first place. But it's all good now, i wish you all the happiness in the world(and akhirat too)-for both of you and your wife. Frustrated sebenarnya, i was bringing my bestie, miss P. I was trying to be a match maker la konon nya. Tapi sorang daripada calon-calonnya tak datang. Jadi pulang dengan separa hampa. Lepas tu, we went to Sri Petaling!!! To a thrift shop!!!!!! Gila man. I did  terbeli-belah. 18 dresses+skirts+jackets between us, 5 people. Oh! the outing consist of pey, bin, neng, madue and i. Lupa sekejap segala permasalaan. While waiting for pey and madue solat in a nearby Masjid, i just noticed that my hauls are all black and beige. Wow! My issues are contemplating with my senses. Oohh.. my hauls are a mix of skirts, jackets, pinnafore and cardi!I love what i bought!!! On the way back, we stopped by resipi rahsia to buy a cake. It's my kakak's birthday. Nak jadi cerita, madue nak pergi ATM. Just in front of the bank, there's this jinjang shop called madonna. AND I did TERBELI a mary jane yang kitschy habis with a hint of jinjang-ness.  ka-chinggggg!


Sun: Help my mom cook for lunch. One of the menu is kerabu mangga. While i was 'sagat-ing' the mangga, i did 'sagat' my own hands.So banyak gila luka, and when everything's mixed up, i squash a lime into the mixtur of mangga, dried shrimp, gula and what not. PEDIH GILA ok. forgot about my hand yg luka sini sana. I totally forgot about what idz told semalam. So dah lepas masak, was about to take a shower and i got a call from artist. Zakiah namanya. PR dia manisah. Bodyguard dia Idzara.ahahahaha. i'm late basically.okay. moving on. I went to Sg wang a lil bit too late. Coz the guys have all been spruced up and smarten up. Tapi manisah takde beza pun. Pey! Your glasses are cool. =). Kau boleh tidur lena sekarang. Or, are you thinking about the heels? hehehe. Oh! and i terbeli heels today. "Beli kaler ni lah, masuk dengan color skin kau!". That was quoted from Idzara.  Wow. aku speechless terus pegi kounter bayar.

I scrolled up and realized that this is not a recap. More like a back-to-back description! haha. So yeah my bank acc suffered a bit( A LOTT!!!) but i laughed like i did back when we're all together. mushy gila bunyinya. But i did had a good time.

Terima kasih semua.

too long gone

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Salam. phew. lotsa dust and cobwebs hung around here. i missed being here. i wanted to pour everything out. It's like a vault of money but instead it's got stories of the current phase of my non-existant (social) life. Nothing major. Just thoughts and lots and lots of IF and ELSE. Decisions and daydreams.




RIcky ke nama dia?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Allah selamatkan kamu!
Allah selamatkan kamu!
Allah selamatkan Rozzana aka Mubin!!!!!!
Allah selamatkan kamu!

(Kakak) Mubin,
Happy twenty-TOOOOOT babe!;p
It's been almost +-5years since we met( macam ayat kekasih2 tapi abaikan aku ikhlas), it doesn't feel macam +-5 pun. Apa-apapun, you're older by age, age is just a number. The wisdom that you imparts are more important jadi (kakak) mubin, i love you hokeh? In fact, pey loves you too! =)


Selamat Pagi Malaysia

Lama rasanya papan kekunci(hehe) ni tak berbunyi ketap-ketup-ketap-ketup! Laptop ni pon lama tak 'on'. Apa habaq? Sihat no?

Well, cerita haritu nak sambung sikit ni, haritu, kawan mak tanya kerja kat mana, terus aku jadi macam malu nak bagitau.Itu je. For the last 2 weeks, aku dah start production, pastu aku banyak buat salah. Macam loser gila rasa. Semuanya sebab aku stress about the Gaza Attack tu. Serious tak boleh concentrate, mcm fikir nak berhenti ke, jual baju je sampai ke tua...Time tu la..I had a talk with my mum..i can't disclose it here but i've decided that i'm staying.

Pastu, facebook aku bunguk. Still tak boleh type. Sorry mashi tadi tak boleh reply sbb dah tekan keyboard tapi tak keluar apa2. Nak tukar status pun tak boleh. Nak tanya khabar org pun tak boleh. Bunguk!!!!!!!!

Pastu, hari ni, aku belanja parents aku dinner anniversary! Pastu terus order fringe bag from Celine! Owh. Esok, might be going to Pavilion dengan Hanis after training!!! =)))))))

Speaking of Training...aku patutnya kena tidur tapi mata tak nak lelap and i don't feel like talking. Tadi tebus balik masa yang tak online! haha. Around 2 minggu lebih gak terputus talian virtual. Tadi recap balik( wndw shpg.heh). So now, nak cuba tidur supaya esok bila presenter tgh bercakap, aku tak menguap mcm badak air menguap dalam paya.

Kalau rajin, akan ku upload gambarajah. Mana tau, ada sahabat-sahabat yang dah lupa mcm mana rupa bentuk hidung aku.kan?


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lokasi: Masjid
Situasi: Kawan emak bertanya tempat kerja

Buat pertama kali aku malu dengan Company aku.  Aku malu berassociate dengan apa-apa yang berkaitan tanah Amerika. Ratusan kanak-kanak, perempuan, orang tua, lelaki mati. Diorang boleh pekakkan telinga, butakan mata. Bangsat betul. Hari-hari aku bangun nak pergi, baca paper, jatuh air mata aku. Hilang semangat nak pergi kerja. Bangsat gila. Ya. Amerika memang sekutu, atau dengan kata lain, tulang belakang kuat Israel yang boleh dikatakan bangsat juga. Memang dasar Yahudi! Aku bukan anti agama orang lain. Aku juga berani admit yang aku ni religion tolerant. Buat lah apa-apa sahaja berkaitan faith or belief masing-masing.Aku takkan kutuk or berasa pelik kerana aku tahu, aku juga ada faith dan belief aku sendiri. Tapi Yahudi bangsat ni telah melampaui batas yang teramat. Aku stress.
